Dan Atar

Dan Atar

Professor of Cardiology

University of Oslo, Oslo, NO

  • Radcliffe


Prof Dan Atar is Head of Research and Professor of Cardiology at the University of Oslo, Oslo, NO. He studied medicine in Basel and was then trained in internal medicine and cardiology.

Prof Atar joined John Hopkins University in Baltimore (1991–1994) and the University of Copenhagen, where he worked as a senior cardiologist. From 1997 to 1998 Dan Atar served as senior physician, supported by the Cloëtta Foundation of Cardiology at the University Hospital of Zurich.

Prof Atar has written over 480 articles and book chapters (H-index 78) and holds the fellowship-titles FESC, FACC, FEHRA and inaugural FAHA. He served as Chairman of the ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. He was on several ESC guideline writing committees, amongst others the 2010, 2012 and 2016 ESC Guidelines on Atrial Fibrillation, the 2012 STEMI-Guidelines and the 2018 Universal Definition of AMI. In 2012 Professor Atar was elected as Councilor and Board member, in 2014 as Vice President, and in 2018 as Treasurer of the ESC.