AHA 23: I-CLAS: Arrhythmic Risk in Biventricular Pacing Vs Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing

  • 27.11.23

AHA 2023 — In this short interview, we are joined by Dr Pugazhendhi Vijayaraman (Geisinger Heart Institute, US) to discuss the findings of the I-CLAS study, an international collaborative investigation into left bundle branch area pacing.

This retrospective observational study compared the arrhythmic risk in biventricular pacing as compared to left bundle branch area pacing. 1778 Patients were enrolled in the trial. Investigators performed 1:1 propensity-matched scoring, with one group receiving biventricular pacing, and another receiving left bundle branch pacing.

Results suggest that left-bundle branch pacing reduced the risk and time to occurrence of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation as compared to biventricular pacing.


What was the importance of this study?
What was the study design and the eligibility criteria?
What are your key findings?
What are your take-home messages?
What further study is needed?

Recorded on-site at AHA Scientific Sessions 2023, Philadelphia.

For more content from #AHA23 head to the Late-Breaking or the CardioNerds Conference Scholars Collection.

Support: This is an independent interview conducted by Radcliffe Cardiology.

Interviewer: Mirjam Boros
Editors: Jordan Rance, Mirjam Boros
Video Specialists: Tom Green, Dan Brent, Mike Knight